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Key Merchandise BV activities on behalf of its customers rely on sourcing from Suppliers around the world. We work with our global supply chain to cultivate safe working conditions, to foster dignity and respect for workers and to promote responsible environmental practices. Our Code of Conduct and accompanying Standards detail the principles and practices that we expect our Suppliers to uphold. The Code, which is based on universally accepted fundamental principles and local laws, represents our commitment to source goods from Suppliers who value and incorporate these provisions into their operations.

Labor Practices
Voluntary labor
All work should be voluntary and not performed under threat of penalty or coercion. Forced labor, including bonded, trafficked, indentured or prison labor, is prohibited.

Working age
Employees should not be younger than the minimum employment age of the relevant country, or the maximum age of compulsory education, whichever is higher. Not under any circumstance should workers be younger than 16 years of age.

Fair and equal treatment
All employees must be treated with respect and dignity. In other words, the workplace should be free of emotional, verbal and physical abuse. Moreover, employees must not be subjected to discrimination in hiring, compensation or discipline, on the basis of gender, age, religion, marital status, race, sexual orientation, disability, disease, nationality, pregnancy, or trade union and/or political affiliation. 
Wages, benefits and terms of employment
Employee compensation - including wages, overtime pay, benefits and paid leave - must meet or exceed legal minimum and/or industry standards and/or collective bargaining agreements, whichever is higher. Wages for traineeships and apprenticeships should also meet at least the legal minimum. Disciplinary deductions from compensation are not allowed. Company and employees must participate in social insurance and pay social insurance premiums in accordance with the law.

Working hours
Contractual working hours should not exceed 44 hours per week. All overtime must be voluntary, mutually agreed, and compensated at a premium rate.
Freedom of association and recognition of the right to collective bargaining
Suppliers must respect the right of employees to freedom of association and collective bargaining as permitted by law.

Ethical Conduct
Suppliers must operate with high ethical standards and should not be involved in any corruption, extortion, bribery, fraud, false declarations, counterfeiting or insider trading.

Safe Places to Work
Suppliers should promote and maintain a safe, hygienic and healthy working environment and residential facilities, where provided. Adequate measures, systems, protections and training must be implemented to prevent harm to employees' health, safety and wellbeing. Employees must strictly abide by rules of safe operation in the process of their work.

Environmental Protection
Suppliers should actively work to improve the environmental performance of their operations. This includes measures to mitigate adverse environmental impacts, and to improve material and resource efficiency, Reduce waste and prevent pollution. Suppliers also have to think about the environment requirements in final destination. E.g. low Cd, AZO free, food safe, REACH etc.

Responsibility, Transparency and Accountability
Suppliers must be transparent in their policies, processes, and standards which govern their operations and which are related to their compliance with the Code. As such, Suppliers should educate their employees and managers on their rights and responsibilities related to upholding the Code.If Suppliers use third parties or subcontracters, they should always give location and name of the third party and subcontractor before production. Any third party or subcontractor should also handle confirm the Code. As a condition of doing business with Key Merchandise BV, Suppliers agree to give Key Merchandise BV, our customers or third-party representatives unhindered access, with or without notice, to their facilities and records related to compliance with the Code. Should a Supplier be unable to comply with the Code, a corrective action plan should be put in place and the Supplier must actively progress towards compliance. Otherwise, Key Merchandise BV reserves the right to terminate our relationship.

Respect Property Rights and Trade Marks 
Suppliers must respect the Trade Marks and property rights of all inquiries and orders they receive from Key Merchandise BV and their customers. Suppliers are not allowed to show any product designs, product developments or produced items from Key Merchandise BV to third parties. Suppliers are not allowed to use our product designs or finished productions for any commercial use, like on Internet / catalogues / exhibitions / etc. without written permission of Key Merchandise BV. All moulds/toolings paid for by Key Merchandise cannot be used for other customers than Key Merchandise BV. Logo's / designs of our customers can only be used for the orders placed by Key Merchandise BV and cannot be used for any other commercial activity, like on Internet / catalogues / exhibitions etc. 

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